- Алімаскін Р.О. Logistics and supply chain management: the importance of integration for business processes
- Алоєв Д.Р. Influence of the European integration process on public procurement in Ukraine
- Алоєв Д.Р. Transformation des marchés publics sousl’influence de l’integration européene
- Бордаєв В.В. Thе finаnciаl еquаlizаtion systеm in Gеrmаny аnd Ukrаinе
- Борисова П.Є. Integration of Ukraine into the EU: problems and prospects for further cooperation
- Бублєй В.Ю. Economic and mathematical modeling of inventory management in logistics systems
- Бутова В.В. Ukrainian integration into the European Union
- Вернигора А.Р. European integration of Ukraine
- Воїнкова О.В. Risks and opportunities of European integration of Ukraine
- Гайдук О.С. Problems and perspective for development of agroindustrial complex of Ukraine
- Гордієнко К.Д. Benefits and weaknesses of European integration of Ukraine
- Гуржій Ж.Е. Problems of international cooperation and economic development in terms of European integration
- Долгополов Д.Г. Upcoming consequences of the association agreement between Ukraine and the EU
- Дудник М.М. The problem of migration in Ukraine in the context of the European integration process
- Завадська Ю.В. European integration process in modern Ukraine
- Зайцева А.В. Ukraine’s integration into Europe
- Заріцька М.В. Integration of Ukraine to the EU: problems and prospects for further cooperation
- Колодяжна О.В. Economic globalization of Ukraine
- Король М.В. L’integration Europeenne: quels atouts et quels risques pour l’Ukraine
- Купріна В.В. Features of Ukraine’s integration into the EU
- Лаврова Л.С. Die europäische integration der Ukraine
- Литвинова А.В. Ukraine’s integration into Europe
- Лобеко Б.М. Probleme der wirtschaftlichen entwicklung der Ukraine und internationale zusammenarbeit unter den bedingungen der europäischen integration
- Лоцкіна Д.А. Features to form strategy of enterprise on external market
- Ляшенко О.В. European integration: the present stage peculiarities
- Некрасова К.Д. Les facteurs economiques d’instabilite du taux de change de l’usd de la banque nationale d’Ukraine
- Паншин М.Ю. Global principles of brand managment
- Петраш Д.О. Current status and prospects of Ukrainian European integration
- Петросян Ю.Р. Economic attractiveness of Ukrainian European integration
- Пономаренко Д.А. Problemes de la motivation des employes dans les entreprises ukrainiennes
- Рєзнікова А.В. Problems and prospects of economic development of Ukraine due to euro integration
- Русінова А.О. The characteristics of advertising campaigns of European countries
- Русінова А.О. La publicite comme dialogue interculturel entre l’ukraine et l’ue
- Самедова С.А. Проблема інтеграції України у світові глобалізаційні процеси
- Стасюк Д.Р. Public activity as functional composition of logistic activity of the enterprise
- Стрельнікова Є.А. Prospects for Ukraine’s integration into the EU
- Танаревська А.І. EU-Ukraine association agreement
- Танковська К.І. Ukraine’s integration into the European union
- Татарінова К.А Analysis of employment labor simulation systems
- Ткаченко А.С. Effect of euro-integration processes on the dynamics of the labor market in Ukraine
- Федорова В.А. The necessity of franchising development in Ukraine
- Федорова В.А. Developpement des activites de franchise en Ukraine
- Фінагіна С.Р. Prospects of development of cooperation of Ukraine and the European union in the field of education
- Чатикян Ф.Е. Integration of Ukraine into European union in globalizing world
- Шуніна М.С. Event tourism: the current state and prospects of the development
- Щетініна С.Є. Problems and perspectives of integration of Ukraine to the Europe