УДК 331.108.43

Єдамова І.О., студентка 3 курсу
ХНЕУ ім. С. Кузнеця

Анотація: в статті розглянута актуальна проблема підходів до оцінки кваліфікації персоналу; виявлені основні сучасні методи оцінки системи кваліфікації, висвітлені основні проблеми кваліфікації працівників в Україні.

Ключові слова: персонал, кваліфікація, оцінка, метод,оцінка персоналу.

Abstract: the article considers the actual problem of approaches to the assessment of staff qualifications; the main modern methods of assessing the qualification system are revealed, highlighted the main problems of qualification of workers in Ukraine.

Key words: personnel, qualification, assessment, method, staff appraisal.

Now, in the modern world, there is an actual problem regarding the assessment of staff qualifications. Every developing country tries to properly evaluate its employees in order to have an idea of ​​what professional level they have. Companies strive to raise the level of professionalism of workers.

Personnel qualification assessment is a set of measures aimed at identifying employee compliance with the position held by several criteria - existing education, business skills, the presence of certain skills and additional knowledge that help not only to cope with the tasks set, but also to solve production issues within their competence .

At a certain point in time, every company, big or small, comes to the point that it is necessary to somehow evaluate the staff. However, the question is not only how to evaluate, but also what to evaluate. The task is to regularly collect and analyze numbers. And what if the work of a specialist does not allow to get clear digital metrics? Or, and this happens even more often, the specialist formally fulfills all the norms, but does he dine alone all the time, and all the other employees avoid him? There is no need to assess the quantity and quality.

In order to figure out what to tackle and how to evaluate the staff, it is necessary to consider modern methods of personnel evaluation.This information can be seen using fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Modern personnel assessment [1]

Fig. 1. Modern personnel assessment [1]

Referring to the information above, we can say that the modern employer has many ways to evaluate the professionalism of its staff. Consider a few of the most used ones.

First of all I want to pay attention to the method of “360” degrees. The method of evaluation of “360” degrees is perfect for those cases when the manager wants to pay attention and assess staff from all sides. The peculiarity of this technique is that not only the immediate supervisor can participate in this survey, but also colleagues and subordinates, as well as the employee himself. This self-assessment is perhaps one of the most important parts of the method. If we add a third party to this list, that is, customers or contractors, then we’ll get a “540 rating”. Following the results, it is possible to form a picture of how well the employee corresponds to those or other competencies. This technique is a way to identify the strengths and weaknesses of employees and to chart a way to improve the efficiency of their work. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of this method (fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Advantages and disadvantages of the method of “360” degrees [2]

Fig. 2. Advantages and disadvantages of the method of “360” degrees [2]

Evaluation method 360 is perfect if the company needs to identify which employees need to be upgraded, transfer to another position. It will not help to find those who do not fulfill the plans, but it will help to outline the so-called “points of development”.

The next method is mystery shopping. Mystery shopping is a marketing research method that involves assessing the quality of service with the help of specialists acting in the role of dummy, “Mysterious Customers.” This method allows you to consider the work of staff from the point of view of the consumer and take timely measures to improve the quality of service. The advantage of this method is the secrecy and surprise of the test. The Mystery shopping technique, widely used in the USA and Europe (80% of all shops, restaurants, banks, are regularly checked) is gaining momentum in our country. Retail companies restaurants sooner or later realize that a more effective tool does not exist. With minimal investment in the organization of the system of hidden checks, the maximum effect is achieved in the service management process. Managerial checks are less effective because they know the inspectors by sight, which means that it is impossible to talk about the objectivity of the results obtained. The very fact of the introduction of the program leads to an increase in the percentage of meeting service standards. The staff understands that now the quality of work is monitored constantly. A separate problem in Mystery shopping is the personnel’s resistance to evaluation — mass criticism and lack of confidence of service personnel in the quality of evaluations performed by the Mystery Buyer [3].

Method number three is personnel certification. The main task of certification is to identify the potential capabilities of the employee and, if necessary, to send for additional training, as well as financially encourage and motivate the most competent and experienced.

There are four types of certification of employees [4]:

  1. Regular certification is obligatory for all and is carried out at least once every two years for management personnel and at least once every three years for specialists and other employees.
  2. Certification upon expiry of the probationary period is carried out in order to develop reasonable recommendations on the use of an attested employee based on the results of his labor adaptation in a new workplace.
  3. The purpose of certification in career advancement is to identify the potential capabilities of the employee and the level of his professional training for a higher position, taking into account the requirements of the new workplace and new responsibilities.
  4. Certification when transferring to another structural unit is necessary in cases where there is a significant change in job duties and requirements of the new workplace.

Personnel certification serves as a legal basis for remittances, promotions, awards, determination of salaries, as well as demotion and dismissal. Certification is aimed at improving the qualitative composition of staff, determining the degree of loading of workers and using it in their specialty, improving the style and methods of personnel management.

In conclusion can be said that the evaluation of personnel qualification is the right thing to use in every business. To assess the qualifications of employees of any company, of course, is not easy, given that you need to take into account many variables from the results of work to personal characteristics. But if there is a well-designed assessment plan, it will not be difficult to implement this procedure, given that not only the company’s profit will depend on the result, but also the career path of the team.

Now we can firmly say that modern approaches to evaluation of personnel qualification strongly influence the policies of each company and allow to identify the strengths and weaknesses of employees in the best possible way.


  1. Оценка персонала.

  2. Метод оценки 360 градусов: как применять и как правильно составить опросник/ Полина Фирсова.

  3. Mystery shopping – что это такое и для чего это нужно? /Евгения Шаргаева.

  4. Герчикова И.Н. Менеджмент: учебник для вузов / И.Н. Герчикова. М.: Изд-во Юнити-Дана.2012. 511 с.

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