УДК 519.863:338.246.2:330.123.3

Шуніна М.С., студентка 3 курсу
ХНЕУ ім. С. Кузнеця

Event tours that are considered fundamentally new and undoubtedly interesting direction in tourism acquire in recent year more greater popularity. The primary purpose of these tours is a visit the determined not locations but – about what their name talks – events. Appearance and development at the international market of tourist services of event-tourism stipulated the increase of demand among consumers on this new enough direction. The amount of visitors of event tours grows every year that causes a necessity of creation of the modernized infrastructure, study of tourist demand on event tourism and factors that influence on him, to preparation of specialists for co-operating with consumers during realization of events and bringing in of monetary resources for advancement, realization and development of event-tours.

Event tourism is one of perspective directions on the estimations of UNWTO. The word «Event» in English has very many values, both socially – cultural and technical and even philosophical, or the pre-arranged social-public event, that takes place in set time and with a certain goal, and has certain resonance for a company. It is possible to take to the types of event [1]: festivals, carnivals, parades, celebrations; conferences, forums, symposiums, round table; educational events: seminars, training, courses of in-plant training; sport competitions (for example, Olympic games); concerts, shows of film, theatrical performances; anniversaries, wedding, triumphs; business events: exhibitions, fairs, trade shows, presentations, opening of enterprises, receptions, events related to advancement of trade mark etc.

Scheme 1

Scheme 1

Grouping events by subjects make it possible to distinguish more summarizing blocks that will be base on present resources: cultural, artistic, sport, historical, political, private, public, religious.

In the modern world a huge industry is formed in relation to organization of events that is divided by the nature of event and ultimate goal. The value of event tourism is taken to the visit of events that take place in other countries i.е. the primary purpose of trip is sanctified to the event in that a tourist will accept passive (observer) or active participation.

The theory of development and popularity of event tourism is based on three interconnected aspects:

  1. behaviour of people, their volitional choice;
  2. emotions, mood and options;
  3. cognitions, realizations and understanding of event [2].

The market of event tourism is examined in a few aspects:

  1. as a method of overcoming of seasonal vibrations and geographical distribution of demand outside a region and country;
  2. as an instrument of producing an image of tourism destinations and strategic planning of development;
  3. as a catalyst of development of contiguous industries and directions of activity;
  4. as a tourist market that has the structure and personal touches of development is specialized [3].

Event tourism on the modern stage of development of company is the important and necessary phenomenon that will realize almost all basic functions of tourism: economic, cognitive, recreational, educator and entertaining. Swift development of event tourism and necessity of optimization its functioning predetermine a necessity: sound scientific researches of history of development, acceptance of the government programs in relation to development of eventful tourism; bringing in is to his organization of sponsors and patrons of art; realization of effective advertisement.

Thus, now event tourism is the most perspective type of tourism at an international level that dynamically develops and assists bringing in of consumers of tourist services regardless of season, country of realization of event. Also indisputable advantage of event tourism comparatively with other types of industry is his inexhaustibility.


  1. Babkin O. V. Special Tourism / O. V. Babkin – Rostov-on-Don : Phoenix, 2008. – 252 p.

  2. Donald Getz Event Tourism – Definition, Evolution and Research – Calgary : Elsevier, 2008. – P. 403–428.

  3. Davydenko I. V. Dominants of the event tourism market / I. V. Davydenko // Prospects for the development of science in the modern world : Materials of the International Scientific-Practical Conference. – Krakow, 2012. – P. 97–103.

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