УДК 331.108.2

Андрущенко А.В., студентка 4 курсу
ХНЕУ ім. С. Кузнеця

Анотація: досліджено поняття оцінки та розвитку персоналу, розглянуті методи появи та вирішення проблем з оцінки персоналу, проаналізовані існуючі проблемні аспекти розвитку персоналу. Запропоновано розглянути низку поглядів задля повного розуміння причин виникнення існуючої проблеми.

Ключові слова: оцінка персоналу, розвиток персоналу, процес, мотивація підприємство, модель, управління, мотиваційний потенціал, оплата праці.

Abstract : the concept of evaluation and development of personnel was researched, methods of emergence and solving of personnel evaluation problems were considered, the existing problem aspects of personnel development were analyzed. It is proposed to consider a number of views in order to fully understand the causes of the current problem.

Keywords: personnel evaluation, personnel development, process, motivation enterprise, model, management, motivational potential, pay.

Assessment of personnel determines the level of skills of employees, the level of knowledge, skills, abilities, gives an idea of the business and moral personality traits. Personnel service should choose methods of estimation taking into account the peculiarities of its organization and the positive and negative aspects of each method.

Permanent use of the system of personnel evaluation significantly affects the organization’s effectiveness and its image. Detecting the degree of inconsistency of the actual levels achieved by the expected task, managers can develop specific managerial decisions, measures aimed at improving both the general and individual results of work.

Staff assessment serves many purposes. The most common is the classification of evaluation objectives, developed by well-known human resources development expert D. McGregor [1]:

  1. an informative goal, which is to provide managers different levels of management of the necessary data about their work subordinates, as well as their individual achievements and disadvantages;
  2. motivational purpose, which involves the relationship of material rewards and moral encouragement with labor behavior and outcome tats of work and thus guides staff to improve performance the acquisition of the new skills necessary for the better performance of social protection tasks;
  3. an administrative objective that is constantly being implemented in the process making HR decisions: increase (decrease) in service, ne recruitment, re-training and retraining, zooho or punishment, termination of an employment contract.

The cyclical measurement of the actual achieved achievement level and the purposeful impact on performance increase allow managers to solve the following tasks:

  • identifying the needs for professional training and enhancement of quas personnel recruiting;

  • assessment of potential abilities of employees and possible their professional growth;

  • making decisions on the professional transfer of frames to organization;

  • analysis of labor activity;

  • development of solutions for improving labor indicators;

  • establishing the goals and objectives of the staff at the per spark;

  • changes in the system of payment and labor stimulation. Job evaluation is a complex creative process that is specific to each organization

Modern practice and management theory show that the results of the company directly depend on the interaction between employees, on teamwork, and not only from individual successes, and it is not enough just to simply involve employees in production individual goals. Evaluation process of personnel is oriented to the development of the enterprise, should promote the professional growth and development of employees, and not only be oriented on the estimation of personnel work for the last period. We need to think about ways to increase return on invested (created) human capital in the enterprise. Modern assessment technologies and staff attestation is first and foremost a way increase the return on this capital, search ways to best dispose of these corporate resources. Careful attitude towards highly professional employees competence and experience should be the dominant trend of modern management [2].

The most comprehensive system of staff assessment is manifested in the comprehensive assessment of the employee, which can be developed for all categories of personnel of the organization. Estimation for the sake characteristics and comparison includes analysis of personality assessment and assessment of abilities, related to work. This approach tries to link staff assessment solely with work, as well as the necessary skills and opportunities for its effective implementation. In addition, this approach determines the assessment of skills and the abilities necessary for education, development and improvement [3].

In theory and practice of human resources management an evaluation system toolkit has been formed personnel under the influence of the needs of the solution practical tasks based on certain methods. Methods of staff assessment must meet structure of the enterprise, nature of activity personnel, goals of evaluation, to be simple and understandable, to combine written and oral tasks etc. An important task of staff assessment enterprises are developing a set of indicators that can be sufficiently thoroughly evaluated all staffing potential of individual workers and enterprises as a whole. Today the most effective rating is the rating by which the personnel potential of the employee is determined on the basis of evaluation of its essential labor qualities on the assessment scale [4].

In the modern arsenal of personnel management, many methods are used to assess personnel, among them - questionnaire methods, sociological surveys, testing, etc. Let’s dwell in more detail on non-traditional methods of staff assessment. The leading place here belongs to the “360 ° degrees” method. Its essence is necessity collecting data on employee actions in real working situations and identifying them business qualities Information is thus obtained from people who communicate with him at different levels: manager, colleagues, subordinates, clients as well you can attract the estimated one.

The method for assessing achievement of goals is quite common. The essence of this method is that that the leader and the subordinate together define the goals the work of the employee for a given period. Purposes must be concretized, real and have time frame Then an action plan is being developed that specifies specific steps. Achievement of goals should have value as a professional employee development, and for improvement enterprise activity and provision of it competitiveness in general [5].

Another type of non-traditional methods is the psychological methods of evaluation. With the help of special tests, interviews, exercises, professional psychologists evaluate the worker. On Unlike traditional attestation, they are evaluated no results (performance on the post), but the potential of the worker. Psychological methods allow you to achieve high accuracy and detail evaluation. Carrying out such an analysis and the assessment of the staff of the company makes it possible to discover not only its potential, but also to obtain information about self-esteem, psychological features and motivation of employees [2].

In our opinion, the most used method is evaluation method - attestation. This is a comprehensive assessment that summarizes the presentation about the quality of the worker, his labor behavior and results of activity. The attestation is the one periodic evaluation of the personnel being conducted once every one or three years. Certification performs two decisive functions: structuring (related to the achievement of a greater certainty while performing work, making changes to functional and official ones instructions, clarifications on wages) and motivating (which manifests itself in activating motives of performers for the best performance. A variety of attestations include the next attestation, attestation in connection with the completion of the probationary period, initial attestation, certification for promotion [4].

In order for the employee to realize his capabilities, he must be created appropriate conditions: working conditions, applied system payment and stimulation of creative activity, opportunities for realizing employee expectations from work in this position and at this enterprise, etc. Hence, a logical necessity arises inclusion in employee assessment and degree of use of its potential.

The analysis should give an answer whose guilt is that: an employee who has good qualities to perform this type of activity, has average results: he himself because of the lack of interest in work, reducing demanding to yourself, etc., or an enterprise through lack of proper conditions for highly effective work.

The range of methods for assessing staff is wide enough. We consider it expedient to apply them in the given combination according to each specific situation. Comprehensive use of available methods will be able to provide functioning at the enterprise an effective evaluation system. Application integrated assessment of staff and the personnel potential at the enterprise has a significant practical significance for the development and improvement of strategy and tactics of management personnel in modern conditions. It will provide the company has more competitive advantages and more will enable to consolidate its position in the market, faster and more efficiently develop, open up new opportunities and improve overall the results of the enterprise [5].

The most complete system of staff assessment is manifested in a comprehensive assessment of workers, which can be applied to all categories and should reflect all the bases of their activities. The structure of a comprehensive staff assessment can be presented as a model that covers three groups of characteristics: employee from the side his business and personal qualities; labor (business) behavior; performance of work, her results  [6].

The current situation in the labor market can be characterized by an increase in unemployment, a decline in the number of the employed population, the lack of the first workplace for young people and the difficulty of finding a job for people who He was lost for various reasons.

Under current conditions in a market environment, which are sharply exacerbated, there is literally a rigid competition for survival, it has to work in a new way; top management and business owners put forward many new conditions for hired personnel who has a flexible response to market demand, to formulate and expand the client base, to own means operative-adaptive response to changes in production processes and functional responsibilities, being stress-resistant, mobile, indifferent and so on. So the situation requires from every employee of constant concern about actually professional growth or increase qualifications [7].

The development of the personnel ensures an increase in the general intellectual level of the individual, extends its erudition and circle of communication, as an educated person freely guides in the modern complex world, in relations with people. As a result, the moral and psychological climate in the structural units of the organization improves, the motivation of workers to work increases, their loyalty to the goals and strategic objectives of the organization, continuity in management, and also the level of staff turnover decreases.

Implementation of personnel development tasks requires considerable resources. Staff costs are the basis for developing production and social indicators, the organization’s development strategy itself. The share of organizations’ expenditures on personnel in the cost of products or services has a pronounced tendency to increase. Therefore, the economic aspects of personnel development, measures to ensure a more rational use of the employer’s funds for these purposes are important. Problems of investing in human development have been reflected in the concept of human capital.

Thus, assessment of personnel is an important element of effective management and the current process, aimed at increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise, is relevant. Different systems, methods and techniques for assessing staff enable to identify and disclose the potential of each employee and direct this potential to the implementation of strategic objectives of the enterprise. The assessment of staff requires the use of all scientific approaches, their synthesis and combination in order to achieve its efficiency, optimality and efficiency. The most complete system of staff assessment is found in the comprehensive assessment of the employee, which should be developed for all categories of personnel of the organization.

Objective assessment can be achieved only on the basis of the professional qualification, personality and business characteristics of the employee.

Modern technology training and staff development provide a wide array of creative work. In fact, today, the head of the company can embody any idea in the field of training and staff development. It is important that the chosen method meets the learning objectives and is used systematically. Indeed, practice shows that the development of personnel should be considered not as an end in itself, but as an integral part of the intra-firm system of forming the loyalty system of employees to the enterprise where they work.

The presence of highly skilled personnel is a prerequisite for the successful operation of any enterprise. Training of the personnel of the organization can be carried out in many directions and in many ways described in the article. In doing so, you should carefully examine the needs of the company and the staff themselves in order to properly choose the method of training. Thus, personnel development is a guarantee of the company’s success. That is why top management and business owners should not save money on improving the existing system of employee development. It should be remembered that the ability of an enterprise to develop faster than its competitors is a source of its socio-economic strategic advantages.


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к.е.н., доц. Мазоренко О.В.