УДК 339.924(47781)

Гуржій Ж.Е., студентка 2 курсу
ХНЕУ ім. С. Кузнеця

Relations between Ukraine and the European Union were first established in December 1991, when Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, holding the Presidency of the EU at that time, officially recognized Ukrainian independence on behalf of the European Union.

The policy of Ukraine aiming to develop the Ukraine – EU relations is based on the Law of Ukraine dating from the 1st of July 2010 “On the Foundations of Internal and Foreign Policy”. According to Article 11 of this Law, one of the key elements of Ukrainian external policy is «ensuring the integration of Ukraine into the European political, economic and legal area in order to obtain the EU membership».

The signing and ratification of Ukraine – EU Association Agreement in 2014 has launched the process of development of a qualitatively new form of relations on the principles of political association and economic integration.

During the signing of the Association Agreement on the 27th of June 2014 and during its ratification on the 16th of September 2014, respectively the President of Ukraine P. Poroshenko and the Parliament of Ukraine announced statements that Ukraine considers the Association Agreement as further step towards ultimate goal of the European integration – full membership of Ukraine in the European Union.

One of the most important steps for further development of Ukraine was to join the World Trade Organization. The process of Ukraine’s accession to the WTO started on 30th of November 1993 with forwarding the official application of the Government of Ukraine on its intention to join the Organization to the GATT Secretariat.

On May 16, 2008, Ukraine became the 152nd member of the World Trade Organization. Ukraine’s WTO accession is a significant achievement, which is expected to have a positive impact on the country’s economic development in the future and result in further liberalization of the foreign trade, creation of transparent business environment for foreign investments.

The state policy aimed at European integration is justified for Ukraine both economically and geopolitically, since the policy aimed at closer cooperation between Ukraine and the EU is already justified from many points of view. And here we do not need a onetime breakthrough but planned, systematic and assiduous work. Wide structuring of relations, internal reforms, the formation of relevant public opinion, and adequate awareness of the tasks and consequences of settlement of any issues related to the prospects of integration of our state are very important in the activity of Ukraine on its way. The observance of the European integration strategy by Ukraine is a single source process in terms of the national interests of Ukraine and geopolitical global dimensions of the development of the continent [2].

In order to enhance economic development and international cooperation Ukraine to work in sectors related to education, science and technology. The education policy of the EU is being in the process of strategic priorities development for 2020. In May 2009 the Council of EU approved the strategy of European cooperation for Education & Training 2020, underlining its 4 strategic goals: life-long learning and mobility; quality and effectiveness; equality and social inclusion; innovation and creativity and entrepreneurship development.

Ukraine continues to reform its education sphere aimed at increasing the quality of education within Bologna process. Main attention is focused on the change of structure and education grades of the higher education, on the improvement of system of qualification, especially with regards to earlier conferred national degrees which do not correspond with the European ones (bachelor, master, Ph.D.) and on harmonization on national qualifications with the qualification system of European space of higher education [1].

The amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” were adopted. Its provisions are in compliance with the standards and recommendations of the Bologna process. With the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 16t October 2009 the European credit-transfer system was introduced in higher education institutions of Ukraine. Ukraine and the EU continued cooperation in the framework of education programs [3].

The basis for Ukraine-EU cooperation in science and research is laid down by the Agreement between Ukraine and EU on Scientific and Technological Cooperation from 4 July 2002, which was renewed on 21 December 2011 following the adoption of the Law of Ukraine № 4041-VI, dated 16 November 2011. The results of Ukraine’s participation in the first year of EU Program on Research and Innovation «Horizon 2020» indicate that our country remains among the key partners of the EU possessing the second position after USA in terms of submitted proposals for the research projects and the fourth place in terms of participation in running projects among the third countries. An overall success rate of submitted projects is 13.31%. Among the main partners of Ukraine are UK, Germany, France, Italy and Poland.

 Ukraine pays special attention to the cooperation with EU in space sphere, notably to the interaction with the European Commission, European Space Agency, Space agencies of the EU member states. Currently Ukraine’s participation in the Galileo-EGNOS and COPERNICUS programs, creation of the preconditions for the future membership in the European Space Agency are among the key priorities of its space exploration policy [4].

Also Ukraine became a member of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on May 12, 1954. Permanent mission of Ukraine to UNESCO with its headquarters in Paris started operating in December 1962.

Strategic orientation of Ukraine as a member of this international organization is based on the country’s activities aimed at intensifying international cooperation of the Ukrainian scientific, educational and cultural institutions with appropriate UNESCO bodies; strengthening Ukraine’s intellectual potential as well as providing the country’s involvement into the global humanitarian processes directed at maintaining the fundamental principles of humanity.

All things considered, there are many problems that hinder the economic development of Ukraine in the context of European integration. However, despite this, Ukraine continues to implement reforms in the fields of education, science and art, which in consequence will contribute to the accelerated European integration and will help the country to reach a high level.


  1. Mission of Ukraine to the European Union.

  2. Ukraine – European Union: Prospects of Integration.

  3. New Law on Higher Education.

  4. EU-Ukraine cooperation projects.

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старший викладач Черниш Л.М.