УДК 339.924(47776)

Заріцька М.В., студентка 2 курсу
ХНЕУ ім. С. Кузнеця

The development of integration processes in Europe is a common phenomenon that determines its present and future development, a place in the system of international economic relations. As for the integration movement of Ukraine to the European Union, here, unfortunately, the situation is not comforting. The main achievement of Ukraine is only the recognition by all participants and authorities of European integration as the main direction of the state’s development and close cooperation with some EU member states.

Ukraine declared the European choice right after it became independent. The main problem of foreign economic integration is that during the 17 years of independence Ukraine made the first, seemingly successful steps towards Euro-integration, but in 2004 it became clear that the integration process would not be so simple and predictable as it seemed to these series Ukrainian politicians. Given this, the interests of EU member states and Ukraine should be the subject of a serious study, the perceived and unconscious obstacles to integration.

At this stage of development of international economic relations for Ukrainian scientists there is a very topical theme of integration, which is comprehensively covered in all periodicals.

Despite the numerous economic and political problems that have been exacerbated by the country’s economic crisis, Ukraine is still trying to implement its own foreign economic strategy based on the European choice, the prospect of joining the EU and the development of bilateral economic relations with France, Italy and Germany.

The external economic strategy of Ukraine for the near future is defined as “Conceptual bases of the strategy of economic and social development of Ukraine for 2002-2011 European Choice”. Achieving these strategic conditions will enable you to become a full member of the EU.

Staying outside the European Union, Ukraine is successfully associated with the process of implementing the Common European Security and Defense Policy (ESDP). Our state participates in the EU Police Missions in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Macedonia. Ukraine actively cooperates with the EU in the fight against illegal migration and organized crime [2].

Accession to the WTO on May 16, 2008, contributes to further integration, and also enables the following actions to be an important step in Ukraine’s foreign economic strategy:

  1. launching a high-level dialogue on energy, transport, science and education;
  2. bringing Ukrainian legislation into line with EU requirements in priority areas;
  3. carrying out of the negotiation process and creation of a customs union between Ukraine and the EU, the purpose of which undoubtedly should be abolition customs, legal and technological barriers in this area.

But the efforts of the Ukrainian side have not brought the desired result at this time. So the main unresolved problems remain:

  1. the limited reliability of the source and potential of development of export opportunities – a sustainable, sustainable domestic market;
  2. weak position of Ukraine in the field of high technologies, low level of development of NTP;
  3. insufficient level of development of modern infrastructure, especially informational and transport, and activities that support the presence of Ukrainian producers in international markets;
  4. the low level of competitiveness of domestic producers, their goods and services and the economy of the country as a whole;
  5. the absence of large-scale investment in the Ukrainian economy by leading European multinational corporations, which makes it impossible for Ukrainian producers to enter their international distribution systems, and hence – it is effective penetration into highly competitive markets of the most developed countries, especially in segments related to high-tech products;
  6. the complexity of creating and improving the stock market. Without it, without a free capital market, it is unlikely to carry out accelerated modernization [4];
  7. lack of readiness of the institutional structure in Ukraine, shortage of skilled personnel, resource base for the implementation of appropriate measures.

Despite the obstacles, integrative processes will take place, because Ukraine is not only interested in the EU, but also the EU is somewhat interested in the Ukrainian market, but on the condition of solving the problem of poverty, which is now very acute.

European integration is the most decisive factor for both Ukraine’s international activity and its domestic policy for a long-term perspective, strengthens security and positively affects Ukraine’s relations with all countries of the world. The irrevocable realization of the course for integration into the European Union will ensure the guarantees of human rights, the development of civil society in Ukraine, the construction of a socially oriented market economy and enormous material support from the EU [1].

Therefore, in order to accelerate the integration of Ukraine into the EU, the following priority measures should be taken:

  1. stopping further social stratification;
  2. ensuring genuine, and not declared, development of entrepreneurship;
  3. the withdrawal of the economy from the shadow;
  4. free access to credit, material and information resources, markets for products;
  5. effective implementation of anti-fraud and corruption legislation;
  6. strengthening of financial control over structural funds and development funds;
  7. reform of the judicial system, protection of property rights and human rights;
  8. development of a new foreign economic strategy taking into account the positive and negative factors from the integration of Ukraine into Europe.

It is time for Ukraine to revise its controversial achievements in the last period and find the best way to increase its competitive power and ability to be a full-fledged subject of international relations [3]. The basis for the success of European integration efforts may not be hasty, but prudence, not the pursuit of a formal result, but taking into account the totality of real circumstances and trends. In the end, it is precisely such a policy that corresponds to true European traditions.


  1. Filonenko R. Ukraine – EU : the final choice of the fundamentals of the state’s development // Veche. – 2007. – No. 9-10. – P. 45.

  2. Chebanenko O. The main results and problems of implementing the EU – Ukraine Action Plan // Politics and Time. – 2007. – No. 3. – P. 24.

  3. Shpek R. Ukraine – EU : step towards membership // Politics and time. – 2007. – No. 5. – P. 8.

  4. European Integration of Ukraine: internal factors and external influences.

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