УДК 339.924(47774)

Купріна В.В., студентка 2 курсу
ХНЕУ ім. С. Кузнеця

Despite the significant weakening in the last decades of the integration potential of the EU, it still remains very attractive for Ukraine. This attractiveness is multidimensional: general economic, investment, innovation, modernization, migration. The attractiveness can be also social and civil.

The economic attractiveness of the European Union for Ukraine consists, first of all, of the opportunity to join the high culture of efficient market economy and to raise its own economy to the same level. Europe is one of the largest solvent and innovative markets, which many countries of the world, including the USA, Japan, China, India, Brazil and Russia are trying to master,. Innovative production in the EU exceeds 75%. Nobody can reach such a potential of European integration attractiveness. The EU is the territory of a highly efficient innovation economy. The average GDP per inhabitant in the EU is almost 8 times higher than in Ukraine, and 2.5 times higher than in Russia. In the leading EU countries, the level of economic development is even higher.

Labor productivity is traditionally considered to be the most characteristic indicator of economic efficiency. According to this indicator, the EU, especially its leading countries, occupies the first position in the world. Labor productivity in the euro zone is 2.5 times higher than in Russia and 4 times higher than in Ukraine.

The average energy efficiency of the economy in the EU is 3 times higher than in Russia, and 4 times higher than in Ukraine. In the leading EU countries, the indicators are even better. Today, the EU is the world leader in the development of so-called green energy and it provides over 40% of global renewable energy.

Consequently, the EU economic model and its level of efficiency is a milestone with a high motivational value for Ukraine, a valuable experience for its development.

Euro integration is the civil choice of Ukraine, one of the key requirements of the Revolution of Dignity. In the system of foreign policy priorities of Ukraine, it occupies a special place.

For Ukraine, European integration is a way of modernizing the economy, overcoming technological backwardness, attracting foreign investment and the latest technologies, creating new jobs, increasing the competitiveness of domestic producers, accessing world markets, primarily the EU market. As an integral part of Europe, Ukraine focuses on the socio-economic development model operating in leading European countries.

Political preferences of Ukraine’s integration into the EU are associated with the creation of reliable mechanisms of political stability, democracy and security. Rapprochement with the EU is a guarantee, and the fulfillment of its requirements is a tool for the development of democratic institutions in Ukraine. In addition, EU membership will open the way to the collective structures of joint security of the European Union, ensure effective coordination with European countries in the field of export control and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. It will also enhance cooperation in the fight against terrorism, organized crime, smuggling, illegal migration, drug trafficking etc [1].

It is known that the European Union and Ukraine began negotiations on the Association Agreement in 2007. And in 2008, there were negotiations on a deep and comprehensive Free Trade Area (FTA) as an integral part of the Association Agreement.

In the modern world, which entered the third millennium, the development of Ukraine is determined in the general context of European integration with a focus on the fundamental values ​​of Western culture: parliamentary, human rights, rights of national minorities, liberalization and freedom of movement and freedom to receive education of any level. It is an essential attribute of a civil democratic society [2].

For Ukraine, in the cultural and civil aspect, European integration is an entry into a single family of European nations, a return to European political and cultural traditions. As a conscious public choice, the prospect of European integration is a significant incentive for the success of economic and political transformation, which can become the basis of national consolidation. European integration, thus, becomes a key element in the discovery of Ukraine’s world, the transition from a closed totalitarian to an open democratic society.

The main direction of cultural, educational, scientific and technical integration is the introduction of European norms and standards in education, science and technology, the dissemination of their own cultural, scientific and technological achievements in the EU.

According to the “Strategy of Ukraine’s Integration to the European Union”, approved by the Decree of the President of Ukraine, along with cultural, educational, scientific and technical areas of European integration, which occupies a special place due to the potential to achieve significant success in the integration process in these areas. They cover the branches of secondary and higher education, retraining of personnel, science, culture, art, technical and technological spheres.

The integration process in the relevant areas is the introduction of European norms and standards in education, science and technology, the dissemination of their own cultural, scientific and technological achievements in the EU. In the end result, such steps will trigger an increase of European cultural identity in Ukraine and integration to European intellectual, educational, scientific and technical environment.

The implementation of this task provides the mutual removal of some fundamental, except for technical restrictions on contacts and exchanges, on the dissemination of information. The most important part is the implementation of general scientific, cultural, educational and other projects, the involvement of Ukrainian scientists and specialists in European research programs [3].

A characteristic feature of the European integration attractiveness for Ukraine is the high potential for innovative development of the EU, which is considered to be one of the most motivational factors for the European integration choice of Ukraine.

The European choice of Ukraine opens new prospects for cooperation with the developed countries of the continent provides opportunities for economic development, strengthening Ukraine’s position in the global system of international relations. This is the best way to realize national interests.


  1. Prospects for Ukrainian European integration.

  2. European integration of Ukraine: internal factors and external influences.

  3. Ukraine – EU: problems of integration.

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