УДК 614.1

Vynohradova H.V., 4th year student
S. Kuznets KhNUE

Abstract: Given article provides the overview on main statistical indicators concerning students’ lifestyle in Ukraine and contains the analysis of hypothesis connected with risks of students’ life specifics. The recommendations to be implemented in universities are described.

Key words: students, physical education, healthy lifestyle, bad habits, sports activities, youth

Анотація: У даній статті розглянуто основні статистичні показники, пов’язані із способом життя студентів в Україні та його специфікою. Основні гіпотези стосовно проблем, з якими стикається молодь, було проаналізовано, рекомендації щодо впливу університетів на покращення способу життя студентів розглянуто.

Ключові слова: студенти, фізична культура, здоровий образ життя, погані звички, молодь

Nowadays the tendency of student interest luck for sports activities organized in university is discussing. In addition to it, there is a view of overall health worsening for such group of people, with bad habits and sedentary lifestyle as main indicators for these changes. The aim of given work is to analyze the real situation, based on official statistical data, and identify the main problems arising while building healthy lifestyle among the students.

Having the results of “Youth of Ukraine 2018” research, the hypothesis of unhealthy way of living can be considered as unproved. Being healthy is considered one of the main goals for young people in Ukraine. It was chosen by 53% of respondents, together with 60% votes given for happiness.

In addition to it, 41% of participants consider their way of living as healthy one [1], and another 40% as mostly healthy. Among all the young people pooled, 44.6% have never smoked, but in the same time each fourth person smokes every day. Drugs were never consumed by 83% of respondents. It proves that overall way of living for students can be explained as health, with minority of people having chronic diseases.

Under the system of university education, heathy lifestyle procedures are organized in the three types of activities. Among them there are academic obligatory courses, optional classes by sections and individual training courses, competitions, student hiking. The system is performing in the way, that for students it is not always necessary to attend these courses, and they are considered as not important ones.

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of sports activities in universities and young people involvement to them, annual reports done by Ministry of youth and sports [2] for 2016 and 2017 were analyzed. The result of analysis is presented in the table below:

Table 1

Students involvement in sports and recreation activity in dynamics

Category 2016, people 2017, people Increase, people Increase rate, %
Overall number of people studying/working in universities 1180829 1087558 -93271 -7.90
involved in sports activities, in the age of 6-18 200070 219539 19469 9.73
involved in sports activities, in the age of 19-35 293484 265388 -28096 -9.57
including Kharkiv region 124393 128099 3706 2.97
involved in sports activities, in the age of 6-18 15897 19596 3699 23,27
involved in sports activities, in the age of 19-35 26841 34001 7160 26.67

According to the statistical data given, in 2017 the number of students involved in the physical activity decreased on almost 8%, with the decrease in the age group of 19-35 years on 9.6%. In the same time increase of students involved in health education in the age group of 6-18 years growth faster, making the overall decrease for both age groups not such significant.

In the same time indicators for Kharkiv region separately are showing more positive dynamics. In 2017 the amount of university students involved in sports and recreation activities increased on 2.97%, with in average 25% increase for both age categories. It shows that in Kharkiv region students are more active in the participation in sports events organized inside the universities. Performed research shows the low involvement of young people in sports activities, but it also reviled positive tendencies concerning this problem.

In addition to the problems described above, it is important to analyze problems connected with the specifics of students’ lives. Sedentary lifestyle is considered one of them. According to annual report on population heath in 2017 [3], only each tenth student has enough level of motor activity, with 50% of youth in age group of 18-24 years having unsatisfactory level of physical training. Another problem is connected with healthy food consumed. During the studying process students prefer eating fast-food and having unregular times for eating. It provokes problems connected with adiposity, deterioration of vision and memory. Now 58% of Ukrainians have overweight, with the negative tendencies for youth.

Among the dangerous problems connected with students there are drinking alcohol, smoking and drugs consumption. Despite of positive results of “Youth of Ukraine” research, still more than 20% of students are regularly smoking, more than 60% are regularly drinking alcohol. On addition to it, 25% of all drug users in Ukraine are young people.

So the analysis reviled that modern young people mainly have healthy lifestyle. Most of students understand the importance of living healthy life but have not enough time for sports activities or suffer from bad habits. In the same time system of sports education in universities have mainly optional courses, which are easily skipped by students. In order to attract the attention of students to the problems with their own lifestyle, it is important to develop comprehension model of sports activities inside the university, which will combine courses necessary for attendance and additional informational support.