УДК 658.64

Мірошник О.В., студентка 2 року ОС магістр
ХНЕУ ім. С. Кузнеця

Анотація: Ця стаття присвячена вивченню підходів для покращення бізнес-процесів підприємства. В статті визначено етапи покращення процессів у компанії.

Ключові слова: бізнес, бізнес-процес, покращення бізнес-процесів.

Abstract: This article is devoted to the study of approaches that improve business processes of the enterprise. The article describes stages of improvement of processes in the company.

Key words: business, business process, business process improvement.

In order to successfully implement a process management approach, company executives must clearly understand what process management is about, how organization processes will be separated and managed, why this approach is effective. The concept should be perceived not only intuitively, but also formulated in specific terms like business process, process architecture, etc.

The success of any organization largely depends on how clearly the business processes are built in it. After all, if the deadlines for fulfilling orders increase, if quality deteriorates, if customers are dissatisfied, it is more likely that the problem can be solved by drawing attention to the organization of business processes.

It is necessary to stimulate process-oriented thinking. Competent organization of business processes is the most important condition for the survival of the organization. As a result, higher efficiency is achieved, increased customer satisfaction, lower errors and costs, and increased profitability of the company.

Scientists, applied specialists in the management, previously developed the problem improving business processes of the enterprise. Among them are: Krugman P., Lepa N., Lepeiko T., Osovskaya G.V., Poddubny I.A., Porter M., Fatkhuddinov R.A., Heine P., B.S Alyoshin, B. Andersen, O.V. Vinogradova, O.P. Gludkin, V.V. Efimov, K.A. Yesipova, V. Ivlev, A.I. Kuznetsov, V.I. Totsky, T.M. Zugel, etc. The methods of improving enterprise business processes are not fully discovered, the article is aimed on solving this issue.

Purpose of the article is a theoretical generalization of approaches to improve business processes of the company.

The quality of business processes determines the efficiency and productivity of the work, the level of customer satisfaction and, as a result, the financial results of the company. Business processes play a key role in the life of a modern enterprise, ensure its integration, implement a business strategy, answering the questions of who, what, when, why, where and how to implement.

The last stage of a business process management cycle is business process improvement. Basically, business processes with a poor performance are to be improved. Improvement of business processes is a combination of methods and approaches that give managers the opportunity to improve the efficiency of its work.

A well-organized program for improving business processes can give the organization many meaningful results. For example, to understand how effectively the team meets the needs of customers and other divisions of the company.

Promote the reconsideration of the strategy of recruitment of personnel with the aim to improve knowledge and skills, improve the professional level of the team. Help the company save time and money by simplifying complex and costly procedures. In addition, it can open eyes to the existence of completely new business processes that will help the company to provide the highest quality services to customers while reducing costs. One of the approaches to improve business processes in company is a Six Sigma methodology.

Six Sigma is a strict, fact-based methodology that allows to identify and eliminate shortcomings in any processes. It is aimed at all-round increase of efficiency, reliability and consumer value of goods and services.

Six Sigma success is based on five key principles [1]:

  1. Focusing on customer requirements.
  2. Using extensive measurement and statistical analysis to understand how work gets done and to identify the root cause of problems (variations).
  3. Being proactive in eliminating variation and continually improving the process.
  4. Involving people in Six Sigma cross-functional teams.
  5. Being thorough and being flexible.

Another important management task is organizing the implementation of the PDCA cycle at all levels of management.

The Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) methodology can be a useful tool to define, implement and control corrective actions and improvements [2].

  1. “Plan” – establish the objectives and processes necessary to deliver results in accordance with customer, statutory and regulatory requirements and the organization’s policies.
  2. “Do” – implement the processes.
  3. “Check” – monitor and measure processes and product against policies, objectives and requirements for the product and report the results.
  4. “Act” – take actions to continually improve process performance.

To do this, it is necessary to identify key processes (which should be improved with the help of the PDCA cycle first), train process owners, create opportunities for staff involvement in improvements (training system, incentive system, development of internal communications and exchange of experience, etc.) [3].

As a result there are steps to improve business processes. They are presented in the tab. 1.

Table 1

Six steps to improve business processes

Name of step Action
Planning The business process for improvement should be selected, the tasks and scales of the changes identified, the team assembled.
Analysis The business process must be carefully studied.
Redesign Сhanges to make in the selected process.
Attraction of resources Ensure the availability of personnel, equipment and other resources necessary to implement the intended changes.
Implementation Required changes must be made.
Continuous improvement The effectiveness of the selected process should be regularly assessed and, if necessary, additional changes should be made.

To create a business process plan changes, the following steps should be taken:

  1. The signs of the problem should be identified.
  2. The process that needs to be improved should be selected.
  3. The scope, objectives and schedule of changes should be defined.
  4. Team that will work on improving business processes ought to be assembled.
  5. The task set accurately to the team.

Before proceeding with the implementation of the process approach, the owners and managers of the organization need to develop a concept for implementing the process approach and document it [4].

The concept can, for example, include a list of elements that need to be implemented in the management system built in the implementation of the process approach.

Also within the framework of the concept can be formulated the principles of process management in the company [5].

The concept can, for example, include a list of elements that need to be implemented in the management system built in the implementation of the process approach.

Also within the framework of the concept can be formulated the principles of process management in the company.

The introduction of a process approach in an organization means that:

  1. The system of processes is created and constantly improved; the boundaries of processes and the responsibility of process managers are clearly defined.
  2. The system of indicators (metrics) for the management of processes is created and constantly improved; target values for a number of indicators are established within the framework of the strategic management system.
  3. Heads of all levels perform operational management of processes based on the system of indicators; management processes are regulated.
  4. The processes are maintained in a stable and reproducible state.
  5. Heads of all levels continuously improve their processes.
  6. A system for regulating processes has been created and is being actively used, the implementation of the regulations is controlled; the electronic repository of processes and the base of regulatory documents are kept up-to-date.
  7. A corporate culture focused on improving processes and development has been created and is constantly improving; the personnel of the organization are involved in the continuous improvement of processes.
  8. New, more efficient technologies for performing processes are constantly introduced, processes are automated (including using program Business Process Management Suite).

The above list of requirements characterizes the concept of implementation of the process approach, which can be provisionally called “Process Improvement”.

One of its most important elements is the creation in the organization of a culture of continuous improvement of processes based on the involvement of managers and employees of all levels.


  1. Frederick F. Reichheld. Learning from Customer Defections / Frederick F. Reichheld // Harvard Business Review.

  2. Коллектив авторов Harvard Business School Press. План улучшения бизнес-процессов / Коллектив авторов // Harvard Business School Press. 2010.

  3. Репин В.В., Елиферов В. Процессный подход к управлению. Моделирование бизнес-процессов / Владимир Репин, Виталий Елиферов. // М.: Манн, Иванов и Фербер, 2013. – 544 c.

  4. Калянов Г.Н. О теории бизнес-процессов / Калянов Г.Н. // Программная инженерия. 2018. № 3. – С. 88-108.

Науковий керівник

к.е.н., доц. Котлик А.В.