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Ткаченко А.С., студентка 4 курсу
ХНЕУ ім. С. Кузнеця

In Ukraine, in recent years, there are a number of positive trends in employment, as evidenced by on the stabilization of the labour market situation. But there is a set of problems that require state intervention in the regulation of employment and social protection of the least competitive categories of the population. Economic changes that occur in Ukraine, caused, first of all, by the world the financial crisis, have intensified the solution of a number of socio-economic problems regarding the formation and effective functioning of the labour market. Existing Infrastructure the labour market is not able to perform its functions, significant remain the amount of unemployment that causes degradation labour potential. The question of the balancing of demand and employment of the labour force is acute, and the irrational structure of employment is maintained.

The study Problems of the labour market and the analysis of certain aspects of it were dealt with by such domestic scientists as A. Ablov, O. Volkov, S. Golovin, S. Kryvenko, O. Krushelnytska, A. Kolot, P. Mazurko, S. Moherny, G. Osovsky, V. Pukhlij and others [1, p. 73-75].

In the current conditions of globalization and internationalization the world economy, the growth of interdependencies not only between countries but also between regions, the need for Ukraine to enter into separate integration associations is updated. One of the options for such an association is European integration. Participation in the process of European integration is not only a matter of international interaction between the economies of Ukraine and the EU, but, first of all, the process of deep penetration of EU institutions (legislation, norms and rules of business, best practices, etc.) in the Ukrainian economy. In this respect, euro integration serves mainly as a factor in the impact on internal processes, which will have distinct economic and social effects. It will affect both the development of various sectors of the economy and the development of the labour market [2].

It should be noted that employment of the population should be regulated at three levels: at the state, regional and enterprise level. Further improvement of the use of labor, employment and employment is regulated by legislative acts. Current legislation with regard to employment plays a positive role in the mechanism of regulation of the labor market. he main levers of the state regulation of employment are legislative, regulatory, economic, organizational, social, motivational levers. Legislative and regulatory instruments provide for legal support employment of the population. European integration processes will help change the situation in the labor market, creating, at the same time, opportunities as well threats EU integration attractiveness for Ukraine social policy is in such conditions as:

  1. improvement of labor legislation through bringing it into line with EU requirements: creation equal opportunities for all, including the introduction of a number of EU directives in the field of labor law in Ukraine, combating discrimination and ensuring gender equality, guaranteeing healthy and safe working conditions;
  2. a favorable investment climate and business environment that will create new jobs and increase productivity and quality of work;
  3. legalization of labor migration. Association Agreement does not grant Ukraine a free employment regime in the EU, albeit facilitating some of these conditions as a result of: gradual liberalization of the visa regime; permanent dialogue on migration and joint management of these processes; promoting the integration of legally residing immigrants from Ukraine into the community of the host country; to consolidate the principle of non-discrimination of Ukrainian citizens legally employed in the EU countries, in terms of working conditions, remuneration and exemptions compared to EU citizens;
  4. raising the level of competitiveness of the worker forces at the expense of the possible expansion of access to vocational training systems in the leading European countries;
  5. raising the standards of quality of life of the population. The average monthly wage in the EU is now almost nine times higher than in Ukraine. The same dynamics are characteristic for pension provision. The European pension system has long been formed a market that is closely tied to household incomes. This is very important for the Ukrainian pension system, which is still too weakly tied to incomes, and more - to the age and seniority. Even greater opportunities for Ukraine are in the development of others social standards of the EU countries. It is about spending on social protection and social assistance. According to these indicators, Ukraine lags behind the EU and the Euro zone tens of times [3].

However, European integration processes have certain risks for the development of the national labour market in the short and long term, mid-term, associated with an increase in asymmetry in the labour market. Asymmetry will be caused by a reduction in employment in the official economy; an increase in temporary unemployment due to structural changes and the absence of follow-up employment; an increase in the scope of informal and non-standard employment; intense intensity and Labour tensions in transnational corporations; the aggravation of competition between Ukrainian and Western specialists and internal competition for prestigious jobs.

Minimizing the negative effects of risks and strengthening the positive effects of European integration requires reforming the model of regulation of the domestic labour market by combining state and market instruments, ensuring productive employment, eliminating the practice informal regulation of employment, stimulating the development of quality educational services as a means of increasing the competitiveness of domestic labour [4].

Given the current state of the labour market, Ukraine can offer the following measures to overcome the negative effects of the financial and economic crisis:

  1. to direct the work of the employment centres to improve the system of retraining the able-bodied population for the development of a flexible labour market;
  2. to provide subsidies for job creation, privileges at hired, help small and medium businesses;
  3. to develop a policy of regulating migration both in terms of exports and in terms of labour import, which will safeguard the national interests of Ukraine;
  4. to ensure the balance of demand and supply of labour [5].


  1. Kozenyuk I.V. The current state of the Ukrainian labour market in the context of European integration.

  2. Musatkina V.P. Influence of European integration processes on the development of entrepreneurship in the region / Materials of the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference “Ethno political and Ethno cultural Processes of the Carpathian Euro region”. – Mukachevo. – May 16, 2014. – P. 93-97.

  3. Petrova I. Social implications of euro integration of Ukraine library.

  4. Kotikova O.I. Implementation of European to the consciousness of social inclusion as an element of social regional policy / O.I. Kotikova, M.M. Babich // Public Administration : Improvement and Development. – 2017 – No.9.

  5. Kotikova O.I. Income of the population as the main indicator of living standards in the conditions of European integration / О.І. Kotikova, A.O. Krasnyuk, V.S. Kavetska // Economy and the state. – 2017. – No. 9. – P. 28-33.

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