УДК 331.2

Татарінова К.А., студентка 1 року ОС магістр
ХНЕУ ім. С. Кузнеця

In market economy relations between the personnel of the company and its management are based on a new basis. The purpose of the management is to succeed in the market and, accordingly, profit making. The purpose of the company’s staff is to receive material remuneration and work satisfaction.

Objective changes have pushed our economic science and practice in the development of payment methods in the direction of its corporatization, bringing it in line with the collective needs and interests of employees, in addition to tariff forms of wage determination, there were non-tariff, contractual and unitary ones.

The development of new forms and methods for stimulating labor productivity is considered by Ukrainian and foreign scientists such as A.M. Kolot [1], A.L. Eskov [2], R.L. Yakovlev [3]. But the results of the research of these and other scientists do not fully reveal the problem of stimulating labor because the modern environment, introduces new tasks and methods of their solution, finds new models of wages, new forms of manifestation of the material and moral interest of staff in the results of their work.

In particular researchers of these issues talk about the transition labor resources from the manufacturing sphere to the non-productive, the change of the executive nature of labor to the creative, intellectual and informational. It is the practice that shows that during the development of information technology there are constant changes in the forms and methods of personnel management in combination with methods of economic stimulation of labor, the need for modern methods of material incentives is most relevant.

The purpose of the article is to analyze the system of incentives for workers and determine the conditions for the awarding.

In the most generalized form, the main directions of the development of the system of remuneration in world practice are disclosed in the work of A. L. Mazin. In particular, the author considers three forms of wages: unit, hourly and non-tariff. For each of them the author considers positive and negative sides: unit payment most stimulates productivity, but leads to injuries and deterioration of the quality of work; hourly – does not stimulate labor productivity and does not lead to injuries.

In order to prevent these shortcomings, enterprises resort to the use of combined forms of wages, which set a fixed rate for the time worked at the production level. Additionally, a variable part of earnings is formed that stimulates the growth of output. In this case, the limit of the reproductive level of earnings becomes one-hundred percent performance of labor standards or tariff earnings. The last part becomes stimulating.

The main directions of the development of methods of remuneration are:

  1. a change in the structure of wages, which reduces the share of basic wages and increases the share of the variable, the stimulating part, which fluctuates at the level of 10-50% of the annual salary;
  2. increased differentiation of wages depending on the level of qualification of the employee. In particular, in the United States on such a basis, the difference in earnings is up to 100%. In Western Europe, this gap is smaller, but increases in rates for the development of related professions, the acquisition of new specialties. In Japan, work experience is stimulated;
  3. development of group systems of labor stimulation is based on the share-based principle of the distribution of incentive funds between members of the brigade under a mixed wage system and its division into a permanent and variable (bonus from profits).

An important direction in the development of methods for stimulating labor is a combination of methods of material and moral incentives for staff.

There are two types of moral stimulation – moral-material and moral-psychological. To the moral-material type include: awards, gifts, incentive trips, etc.

By the moral and psychological type include: placement of results of a particular employee on the board of honor, the award of honorary title, certificates of leadership, public recognition of merit, career growth etc.

Widespread motivation of the staff for the delivery of memorable gifts, for example, General Manager of Industrial Power Machines Andrew Medvedev, in his experience, was convinced how effective this approach could be. His factory staff liked it, such an encouragement became honorable.

For example, the legend of the global business, Richard Branson decides to respond to the letters of his staff in person. The Armstrong Machine CEO gives each employee individual checks, wondering if there are any problems. In his work, Steve Jobs invited subordinates for long walks, during which he had the opportunity to discuss issues or problems in a relaxed atmosphere.

Forms and systems of wages establish a link between the size of earnings, the quantity and quality of labor and determine a certain order of its calculation, depending on the organizational conditions of production and the results of labor. For most enterprises, there are two basic forms of remuneration: hourly and unitary.

Hourly is a form of remuneration, in which salaries are paid to employees at the established rate or salary for actually spent time at work.

Based on the payment mechanism, the hourly form stimulates primarily the improvement of the skills of workers and the strengthening of the discipline of labor. It is usually used in the following cases: 1) if an employee can not directly influence the increase of output, which is determined primarily by the productivity of a machine, apparatus or unit; 2) if there are no quantitative indicators of the evaluation of the products used to establish the unit price; 3) if there are no conditions for the correct application of labor standards.

For hourly wages, two basic wage systems are characterized: simple hourly and hourly-bonus.

The unit form of remuneration stimulates, first of all, the improvement of general, quantitative indicators of work. Therefore, it is used in production areas mainly with manual labor. It is in these conditions that it is possible to take into account the quantity and quality of the produced products, to ensure an increase in the volume of production and the reasonableness of the established labor standards.

Bonding form of wages is most appropriate to apply in the following cases: 1) in the presence of quantitative indicators of work, which are directly dependent on a particular employee or his team; 2) if necessary, in this area, stimulate workers to further increase production or volumes of work performed; 3) for the possibility of accurate accounting of volumes and the number of works performed; 4) with the application of technically sound labor standards.

When using part-time pay, there is a danger of lowering the quality of manufactured products, violation of technological processes, deterioration of equipment maintenance and its premature failure, violation of safety requirements, over-utilization of material resources.

The unit form of pay is subdivided into systems by the following methods: 1) determination of the piece rate (direct, indirect, progressive, chord, business trip); 2) settlements with employees (individual or collective); 3) material incentives (with or without bonus payments).

These systems can be used simultaneously. The most important place in the promotion of employees is the system of bonuses, the widespread indicators and conditions of workers at domestic enterprises:

  1. execution and over-fulfillment of production tasks for production and increase of labor productivity;
  2. work on technically sound production norms;
  3. reduction in the complexity of products produced;
  4. reduction of marriage;
  5. delivery of products from the first presentation.

Thus, it is advisable to supplement the basic earnings of the employee, calculated on the hourly bonus system, quantitative indicators, and calculated on a partially bonus system – qualitative indicators of bonus. As experience shows, it is expedient to make bonuses in two or three simultaneously applied indicators and terms of bonus.

In the indirectly-paid wage system, primarily for the payment of auxiliary workers directly employed by the main workers, the indirect duty rates are calculated, which are calculated based on the tariff rate of the auxiliary worker and the standards of production of the main employee, which are serviced by auxiliary worker.

When piecewise-progressive system produced products within the established norm is paid at the usual rates, and above this rate – for increased.

The chord system of wages involves the establishment of a certain amount of work and the total size of the wage fund for this volume of work. The money provided for the payment of labor is paid after the completion of the entire set of works, regardless of the terms of execution. Such a system of wages stimulates, first of all, implementation of the whole complex of works by a smaller number of employees and in shorter terms.

But the given theoretical description of the forms and systems of remuneration does not itself give in a concrete idea of the possibility of building an effective system of remuneration of workers. In order to choose the form of remuneration and justify its effectiveness, it is necessary to study the specifics of the organization in the conditions of a particular enterprise.


  1. Eskov A.L. Motivational mechanism in the system productive management: Problems and Solutions: Monograph / A.L. Eskov . – Donetsk: IEP of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2005 – 390 p.

  2. Kolot A.M. Labor costs at the enterprise: organization and improvement. – K.: Firm “Labor”, 1997. – 192 p.

  3. Yakovlev R.A. Payroll at the enterprise. – Moscow: Economics and Marketing Center, 1999. – 248 p.

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