УДК 339.13

Самасеку Коротумі, студентка 2 року ОС магістр
ХНЕУ ім. С. Кузнеця

Анотація: Розглянуті основні тенденції розвитку маркетингової діяльності, які можуть бути використані на підприємствах України. Досліджені нові інструменти, необхідні для удосконалення організації маркетингової діяльності.

Ключові слова: маркетинг, підприємство, ринок, технологія.

Annotation: The basic trends of the development of marketing activities were reviewed, which can be used in the Ukraine. New tools needed to improve the organization of marketing activities were researched.

Keywords: marketing, business, market, technology.

In modern conditions, marketing becomes a key element in the formation and preservation of enterprise competitiveness. But at the time of the rapid development of global information networks and systems, modern advances in computer science, the constant development of innovative telecommunication technologies changes the requirements for the work of marketers.

Therefore, for successful operation of an enterprise it is necessary to improve existing marketing strategies and technologies, and also to adapt them to new conditions, and also to rethink the necessity and place of marketing activity in the modern world and in the future. After all, the introduction of such events in turn. can improve the efficiency of the enterprise. Consequently, the relevance of these issues determined the choice of the topic and purpose of the article.

The purpose of the paper is to consider the main recent trends in the development of marketing activities.

The object of research is the main trends in the development of marketing activities.

Many domestic and foreign scholars-economists, as well as entrepreneurs such as S.Yu. Goncharov, F. Kotler, M. Shevchuk, R. Chaika and others, studied this issue [1,2,4,5].

Speaking of marketing, one can not but mention its main purpose. It consists in the need to establish contact with the buyer and encourage him to acquire, use and re-purchase [1]. But the rapid development of the Internet and its penetration in almost all spheres of human activity initiated the formation of new methods to achieve the main goal of marketing. According to the author, it should be considered as an economic activity that brings profit or other benefits and is carried out using the tools and technologies of the Internet.

Further, in our opinion, it is necessary to list the technologies and tools that directly influence the effective activity of the company and are popular among consumers.

First, these are social networks. After all, in our time there are still fewer people who would not use them in their everyday lives.

The era of social networking pushes the old marketing methods to the other.

Social networking creates a feeling of special contact, increases satisfaction and greatly prompts the possibility of promoting products and services. This tool can provide growth, positive perception and overall business success, and in turn does not require much effort and understanding of the essence of building social networks [5].

For example, Facebook’s international social network at the end of December 2013 accounted for more than 945 million active users. On average, in December 2013, the number of daily active users of the network was 757 million [3].

One can not but notice that consumers are not only interested in products, they want to get interesting information about business, brand, company leader. Creating a complete communication will allow social networks. According to HUBSPOT, the budget provided for marketing through social networks will double within the next 5 years. Already, blogging companies find 67% more potential customers than those who do not post blogging [4].

One of the first evaluated the benefits of this marketing tool of SCM Rinat Akhmetov. The tactics of blogging allow customers to feel personal relationships with the company [4].

One of the elements of increasing brand loyalty may be the personal presence of business owners, managers, and management in social networks. Thus, 52% of companies increased demand for their goods and services with Facebook, 43% - thanks to LinkedIn (HubSpot, STATE OF INBOUND MARKETING) [4].

A successful example is the social activity of the PrivatBank management. On the official page of the Bank on Facebook, tops regularly answer questions from subscribers and post their own posts.

Also, it should be noted that social networks have a strong influence on the sale and perception of the brand, and also help marketers to more effectively build relationships with their clients.

Nevertheless, in 2014 more widespread use of new tools for listening to social networks is expected to track how engagement and interaction with the target audience through social networks affects the conversion of potential customers and sales [5].

Social media have a strong influence on the sale and perception of the brand, and also help marketers to more effectively build relationships with their clients.

Also, it should be noted that now it will be necessary not only to make the site with adaptive design, but necessarily need to write several mobile applications for different operating systems and devices. Mobile users are becoming more demanding, providing them with compatibility and ease of use of various gadgets with your applications. It is also important to collect and process feedback, work with data and build personalized marketing for each client with different devices or from different demographic groups [6].

An example of such an application can be Instagram, which is gaining more popularity among users, and also free to install. The photo sharing and video sharing application will create a unique database of fresh, “live” images that the company can use as a promotion of goods and services [4].

As a conclusion, it should be noted that it is very important in our time to invest in the use of new tools, advanced modern applications, which in turn will contribute to the growth of enterprise profits.

Thus, as a result of the development of technologies and new markets, the role of marketing incompanies over the coming years will become increasingly important. The main trends in marketing will be new technologies, new social networks and applications that are necessary for a better understanding of consumers. And consumer awareness will become increasingly important for marketing, as the main force today is the information itself, but the ability to see the need and use the informationnecessary way.

Consequently, the potential of using modern technologies and Internet marketing tools in Ukraine is quite significant.


  1. Гончарова С.Ю. – Маркетинг: Курс лекцій. – Х. : Видавничий Дім «ІНЖЕК», 2003. – 140 с.

  2. Котлер Ф. Маркетинг менеджмент. 2-е изд / Пер. с англ. под. ред. С. Божук. – СПб : «Питер», 2006. – 464 с.

  3. Статистика «Facebook».

  4. Тренды digital-маркетинга 2014 года.

  5. 5 трендів в B2B маркетингу, котрі будемо спостерігати в 2014 році.

  6. 10 трендов онлайн-маркетинга на 2014 год.

Науковий керівник

д.е.н., проф. Лепейко Т.І.